Contextual & Theoretical Studies 1

Week 9: Contextual & Theoretical Studies 1

It’s rainy outside, looking like a good day to read. I’m reading a book about history which is hilarious to me because I always hated reading when I was younger and I especially had a hard time reading and retaining the information. Maybe it was the fact that I HAD to that made it so frustrating. Who knows, brains are weird. Anyways, I am just trying to write whatever I can here as David was sick again today so we are meant to stay home and work on our blogs. This actually works better for me because I have a lot of other work to get done by tomorrow and this saved me 1.5 hours of transport. However I do have to say I am pretty disappointed with this course so far. Sure seems like a lot of money for not a lot of real material. So far we just look at examples of VR/AR which I think is important for sure but it does hurt that after 9 weeks all I can think to mention is that Chris Milk is cool. I’m torn between knowing I should be patient as some of the other students might not be able to move as quickly but also not wanting to waste time and get right into the complicated side of things like, how exactly do VR headsets work. What technology do they really harness and what is holding them back. I feel like a lot of these questions and answers could really spark ideas in the class. I also found a couple VR/AR exhibits in London and I’m not sure why the whole class doesn’t regularly go out and do them. It would be way cooler than looking at videos of them from David’s laptop. I think it is pretty ridiculous that we are in a degree for Virtual Reality and the only time we have put the headsets on was once with Pierre. I feel like they should be on every day, or at least most. I want to get familiar with them.

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